Frequently Asked Questions

A fireworks display will make any event more exciting and memorable. The cost of the fireworks display depends on several factors such as; the duration of the display, the size of the shells being used along with any special effects and the location of the display. Our fireworks displays start at $2,900.00. We work with each customer and custom design each display to ensure it is the very best!
Yes! All states allow for firework displays, however each have different requirements. Class A makes it easy, as we file all the information for the pyrotechnic permits and even include the required insurance. We also provide insurance for the sponsor.
Even a small display can be done to music. On average we shoot a shell once every four seconds. With each shell making two loud bangs (once fired out of the mortar and the second when the shell breaks) the fireworks will seem to be choreographed to music. If the budget allows, we can also electronically fire the display for perfect timing.
Class A performs fireworks displays in North and South Carolina. We keep our overhead low to allow more money to be used for the fireworks. We take the time to individually design each display and import only the highest quality shells directly from the manufacturers. We fire the display opener and finale electronically to insure proper timing and performance. Class A takes the time with each customer to properly plan the display to make the event special. We use our 25 years of experience to create only the finest displays!!!
CALL US TODAY AT (910) 358-3593
If you are considering having fireworks to make your event SPECIAL or if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. We are available 7 days a week.